If you find a baby hog out on it's own
Hoglets can be found from May onward with some individuals coming into Herts Hogline as late as October. If you come across a nest without a mum, she has not necessarily abandoned her babies. However if they show signs of distress it may be that she has been killed whilst out foraging. The males take no responsibility for their young and the rearing of young is left entirely to the female. So if she is killed then a human substitute must take her place.
A hoglet in distress will have a high-pitched squeak and if found out during the day will need to be picked and placed in a box and covered to avoid fly strike. This is where flies lay eggs on a hoglet, which hatch with 24 hours and can eat the hoglet alive if not removed immediately with tweezers.
If the hoglet is cold to the touch then it will need to be given direct warmth. This can be given either by the use of a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel or when needs must a plastic drinks bottle filled with warm water.
Once warm and out of danger from flies etc a surrogate mum should be found as soon as possible for any young hoglet.