The hedgehog year
Month | What are they up to? |
January | Sleeping |
February | Sleeping |
March | Sleeping – although if the weather is warming up they may be showing signs of waking up |
April | They should be fully awake by now and very busy looking for food to replace lost weight and finding themselves a mate |
May | Still feeding, finding themselves a mate if they haven't already done so and the females are now thinking about having her babies and some may already have done so if we had an early spring |
June | Mum will have already given birth or will be very near to having her young |
July | The very early litters will now be leaving their nest and learning to forage with mum, they are now slowly becoming independent and will soon leave mum |
August | If mum has managed to get rid of her babies then she will be looking to start a second family |
September | Late babies result in autumn orphans who need help to survive as they will not be big enough to survive hibernation |
October | They are trying to put on weight so they can sleep the whole of the winter and will be looking for a good nesting site – take care on bonfire night! |
November | All hogs should be asleep by now, autumn hogs may still be found trying to fatten themselves up |
December | Sleeping |
If the weather warms up sometimes hogs will wake up for a top up and then go back to bed when they've had their fill.